Florida Lawn Pests to Watch for This Spring (and How to Stop Them)

father and child on lawn

Florida’s warm climate creates the perfect breeding ground for lawn pests, and spring marks the beginning of their active season. Left unchecked, these pests can wreak havoc on your lawn. Here are the top pests to watch for and how to protect your yard:

1. Chinch Bugs

chinch bug

What to Look For: Yellowing grass that eventually turns brown, particularly in sunny areas. How to Stop Them: Regular pest control treatments can prevent infestations. Mowing at the correct height and proper watering also help reduce their impact. 

2. Sod Webworms

What to Look For: Small, irregular brown patches and chewed grass blades. How to Stop Them: Insecticide applications and maintaining a healthy lawn can keep these pests at bay. Spotting them early is key to minimizing damage. AssureGreen’s pest control plans target webworms and other common threats. 

3. Mole Crickets

mole cricket

What to Look For: Tunneling under the surface and uprooted grass. How to Stop Them: Use targeted treatments or call a professional to handle infestations. Aerating your lawn can also deter these pests by reducing their habitat.

4. Grubs

What to Look For: Grass that pulls up easily like a carpet and a noticeable presence of beetle larvae. How to Stop
Them: Preventive grub treatments in early spring can stop them before they cause significant damage.


Proactive Pest Control Tips:

  • Schedule routine lawn pest inspections.
  • Keep your grass healthy with proper fertilization and watering.
  • Reduce thatch buildup, which can create a haven for pests.

Don’t let pests ruin your lawn this spring. AssureGreen can eliminate pests like chinch bugs, sod webworms, and more with our local lawn pest control services.

Contact us today for expert pest control services in the Tampa Bay Area

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